Today’s news / Criticism of media group’s chairman pay
Lars Munch is once again chairman of the board at Politiken Foundation, after briefly serving as chairman of JP/Politiken's House. (Archive photo). Photo: Asger Ladefoged/Ritzau Scanpix

Criticism of media group’s chairman pay

The Danish Business Authority criticized the board of the Politiken Foundation for its handling of the compensation package for the newly appointed chairman of the media company JP/Politikens Hus. The board approved, with little debate, Lars Munch’s self-nomination as chairman along with a pay of 2.5 million kroner annually. This salary was significantly higher than his predecessor Peter Bartram’s 950,000 kroner. Additionally, the aspects of the agreement, such as its irrevocability, weren’t properly discussed. Following criticism of his compensation, Munch resigned shortly after his May 1st appointment, replaced by Raoul Grünthal. Munch returned as chairman of the Politiken Foundation. This scrutiny comes as the Danish Business Authority oversees compliance with the business foundation law, which included censuring a similar issue recently in Jyllands-Postens Fond involving an extraordinary payment to the former chairman, Jørgen Ejbøl.