It was on the frigate "Niels Juel", which is docked at the Naval Station Korsør, where on Thursday around 3 pm the lifting rocket on a Harpoon missile was activated. Photo: Emil Nicolai Helms/Ritzau Scanpix
Missile on frigate no longer a firing risk
The potentially activated booster of a Harpoon missile on the frigate ‘Niels Juel’ at the naval station in Korsør is no longer a risk for launch. The Danish Defence confirmed that, following tests by specialists, the booster was not armed and there is no risk of it firing. Initially, a danger area up to 5-7 kilometers to the south was designated, and maritime and air traffic around the Great Belt was halted. However, by 20:00 traffic was reopened. Despite containing 150 kg of explosives, the unarmed missile would not detonate if it plunged into the sea. The Defence’s statement followed a warning from the Danish Maritime Authority about the risk of missile debris in the Great Belt.