Danish MEPs Favor Further EU Expansion
Celebrating the EU’s biggest expansion anniversary, most Danish MEPs are already looking to further enlarge the Union. Parties from SF to Venstre propose increasing the EU’s membership. Venstre’s Morten Løkkegaard advocates for the accession of Ukraine, Moldova, and North Macedonia, citing the Ukrainian war as a juncture necessitating their inclusion to avoid Russian domination. He opposes Turkey’s membership. The inclusion of Ukraine is estimated to cost EU members nearly 1400 billion kroner over seven years. Socialdemocrats’ Christel Schaldemose and Liberal Alliance’s Henrik Dahl support enlargement to foster democracy and counter Russian influence. To manage the challenges, the EU Commission suggests a ‘gradual integration’ for aspirants. SF’s Kira Marie Peter-Hansen insists on adherence to EU standards for new members, while Danish People’s Party’s Anders Vistisen resists expansion, pointing out the downsides experienced since 2004.