One in four re-hospitalized in psychiatry within 30 days
A new analysis by Momentum magazine, published by the Danish Municipalities’ National Association (KL), reveals that 25.8% of psychiatric admissions in 2022 resulted in re-hospitalization within 30 days. Jacob Klærke, chair of the Danish Regions’ Psychiatry and Social Committee, finds the re-hospitalization rate too high, citing a lack of psychiatric department capacity and insufficient community support for discharged patients as key issues. The rate has risen from 17% in 2002 while average inpatient stays have dropped from 28.8 days in 2002 to 14.8 days in 2022, partially reflecting a shift towards shorter hospital stays for patient benefits. A ten-year psychiatric plan was agreed upon in Parliament, allocating nearly DKK 500 million annually. Jacob Klærke urges for swift negotiations on the psychiatric plan, while Ulrik Wilbek, chair of KL’s Social Committee, hopes discussions will lead to new offerings for discharged patients, such as ‘clarification spots’ for those unable to return home and needing further assessment.