Findsen Case May Exceed 14 Million DKK
The Danish police, public prosecution authority, and courts estimate spending just over 14 million DKK on the criminal case against former head of the Danish Defence Intelligence Service, Lars Findsen. The case was dropped in autumn 2023 when the Intelligence Service judged that information pertinent to the case couldn’t be securely presented in court, following several Supreme Court decisions allowing partially open hearings. It is also outlined that simultaneous cases involving leaks of state secrets were being handled, hence there could be some overlap in costs. Additionally, cases against a former employee of the Danish Security Intelligence Service (PET) and former minister Claus Hjort Frederiksen were also dropped. The estimated 12.8 million DKK expense, calculated using 2023 prices, excludes costs incurred by the Prime Minister’s, Justice, and Defence Ministries, as well as the two intelligence services, which do not disclose expenses in responses to parliament.