Today’s news / Danish citizen dies in Australia plane crash
A 60-year-old Danish man, a 65-year-old Swiss woman, and a 34-year-old Australian pilot lost their lives in a plane takeoff near Perth late Tuesday Danish time. The Prime Minister of the state of Western Australia announced this after the accident. Photo: Uncredited/Ritzau Scanpix

Danish citizen dies in Australia plane crash

The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed the death of a Danish national in a plane crash in Western Australia. The crash occurred near Rottnest Island, off the coast of Perth, resulting in three fatalities: a 60-year-old Danish man, a 65-year-old Swiss woman, and a 34-year-old Australian pilot. Three survivors include a 58-year-old Danish woman. The ministry informed the relatives and is providing consular assistance. Six tourists and a pilot were on board, comprising three couples from Denmark, Switzerland, and Western Australia. Premier Roger Cook expressed sympathy for the victims’ families and friends. The bodies are to be recovered on Tuesday evening local time. Initial reports indicated three survivors were seriously injured, but later all have been reported stable.