Every fourth house in West and South Zealand is a summer home
In West and South Zealand, Denmark, nearly 27% of residential houses are summer homes, the largest proportion in the country, as reported by Statistics Denmark. This ratio means that more than one in four houses in the area are designated for leisure. The count of summer homes is relative only to residential houses on their own land and not to multi-story buildings. At the municipal level, Fanø Municipality leads with 74% summer homes followed by Odsherred in West Zealand with 70%, and Gribskov with 56%. Odsherred also has the highest number of summer homes overall, totalling 24,200. Denmark has about 220,000 summer homes, with two-thirds constructed post-1970, and only 2.5% built before 1924. On Bornholm, in Gribskov, and on Ærø, around half of the summer homes are over a century old. Major cities like Odense, Glostrup, Albertslund, and Frederiksberg have no recorded summer homes, with Copenhagen having only 12.