Today’s news / 20 dead horses from stud farm to be examined
Dead horses at Viegård Stud. Photo: Pernille Leftes Niclasen, TV MIDTVEST/

20 dead horses from stud farm to be examined

Bone remains of the dead horses from Viegård Stud at Skals in Central Jutland may reveal whether the horses were malnourished before they died and were buried around the stud’s fields, TV MIDTVEST wrote. “We will have 20 horses here tonight,” says Professor of Veterinary Pathology at the University of Copenhagen Henrik Elvang Jensen. He is among those who will conduct pathological examinations on the horses.
     After a twelve-hour police operation on Wednesday, authorities were left with about 50 dead horses that had been buried in various places on Viegård Stutteri’s property near Skals. It is illegal and a violation of the Environmental Protection Act to bury the horses without permission. Now the new investigations will show whether there have also been more criminal offences concerning the buried horses. “We can see if the horses have been malnourished by looking at the bone marrow,” Professor Elvang Jensen explains. /TV Midvest/