Today’s news / Danish Online doctor visits surge after hours
More customers are making use of insurance companies' offer of online medical assistance, but the companies emphasize that the offer cannot permanently replace visits to one's own doctor. (Archive photo). Photo: Rune øe/Ritzau Scanpix

Danish Online doctor visits surge after hours

In Denmark, more people are turning to online doctor services offered by insurers like Tryg, Alm. Brand Group, Topdanmark, and Gjensidige outside regular clinic hours. Tryg noted a 127% increase in online consultations in 2024 compared to 2023. Topdanmark also reported a 41% rise within the same period. Families often use these services, with children’s issues making up 40% of queries at Alm. Brand Group. The consultations mainly address minor ailments like skin problems and eye infections, but can also include acute cases. Tryg suggests the service supplements, not replaces in-person care. However, Gjensidige’s 8% growth shows variation in usage. Morten Freil from Danske Patienter warns that reliance on private insurance could disadvantage those with chronic or complex health issues, signaling a need for improved public health services accessibility. Insurers offer online help during off-hours, facilitated by different collaboration models, and availability varies by plan.