It won't be possible for bars and pubs to broadcast the European Men's Football Championship this summer to hundreds of people like here in Østerbro in Copenhagen in 2021. TV 2, which has bought the rights, has set a maximum limit of 200 people for commercial events. However, they look with "mild eyes" at applications for non-commercial events. Photo: Tobias Kobborg/Ritzau Scanpix
TV2 may ease limits for non-profit Euros parties
TV2, which has acquired the broadcasting rights, intends to look favorably upon applications for non-commercial events during the men’s football European Championship (EC) this summer. The station has established a limit of 200 people for commercial events at bars and is maintaining it. However, for non-commercial events such as those organized by associations, schools, or municipalities, TV2 hints at a possible relaxation of the current 800-person cap without specifying by how much. Despite criticism from politicians and others for restricting large-screen events, TV2 insists that its guidelines create ample opportunities for smaller businesses and that it seeks to prevent festival-like events that capitalize on their commercial rights.