Today’s news / State demands 4.9 Billion DKK return of COVID aid
A number of companies have been found to have been overpaid in compensation during the corona crisis. This applies, among others, to Copenhagen Airports A/S, according to DR. (Archive photo). Photo: Liselotte Sabroe/Ritzau Scanpix

State demands 4.9 Billion DKK return of COVID aid

The Danish Business Authority is seeking the repayment of 4.9 billion DKK from companies that received excessive COVID-19 financial aid, as reported by DR News. During the pandemic, 56 billion DKK was distributed to support around 370,000 employees and approximately 105,000 companies and self-employed individuals. Following a final audit, it was found that about 60,000 companies were overpaid. While many overpayments were minor, some companies, such as Copenhagen Airports A/S, must return millions, with a demand of over 41 million DKK for excessive salary compensation. Furniture company Tvilum A/S in Fårvang and the clothing chain H&M are also facing significant repayment orders. The reason for the repayments is not disclosed in the access to documents, but the Business Authority indicates that many claims resulted from companies faring better financially during the pandemic than their initial expectations. Reviewing the payments has cost around 600 million DKK.