Today’s news / Youth prefer city centers, older adults choose nature
The young people want to live in the big cities near study and work, while the older ones prioritize proximity to nature. These are roughly the conclusions in a questionnaire survey conducted for Finance Denmark. (Archive photo). Photo: Mathias Løvgreen Bojesen/Ritzau Scanpix

Youth prefer city centers, older adults choose nature

Living preferences change with age – young people aged 18-24 prefer city centers close to their studies or work, while slightly older individuals aged 30-35 prioritize nature when selecting a home, according to a survey for Finans Denmark. Peter Jayaswal, director of mortgage and property financing, explains that proximity to study and social networks is crucial for younger people. As they approach their 30s, a central location becomes less important, and the appeal of nature and the need for more space becomes more significant. Interest in owning a home also grows with age; 40% of young adults dream of homeownership, versus 60% of those over 30. Despite these aspirations, finding affordable housing is challenging, especially in Copenhagen, where the ‘housing burden’ reached 34.5% of the average couple’s disposable income at the end of 2022, an 8% increase from 2020. The survey included over 1,000 young participants and was conducted in the last quarter of 2023.