Today’s news / 60% to serve wheat buns for Danish tradition
Even though Great Prayer Day is no longer a holiday, many wish to continue the tradition of eating warm wheat rolls the evening before. Thus, in a survey from Voxmeter, six out of ten respondents say they plan to eat wheat rolls. (Archive photo). Photo: Ida Marie Odgaard/Ritzau Scanpix

60% to serve wheat buns for Danish tradition

Despite the recent removal of ‘Store Bededag’ as a public holiday in Denmark, a survey by Voxmeter for Ritzau reveals that 58.6% of the respondents still plan to eat traditional ‘hveder’ buns on the day before the former holiday. Although 27.9% will not, and 13.5% are unsure about keeping the tradition, senior researcher Caroline Nyvang believes some may do so in protest, showing resistance against the government’s decision. She also predicts the tradition of eating these buns will survive much like the fastelavnsboller, even without the holiday context. The survey also shows that only 5% will have a day off from work, and about 10% are taking leave, some possibly because schools are closed or prior engagements. Copenhagen maintains the day as a holiday, but Aarhus, Odense, and Aalborg consider it a regular school day.