Today’s news / Minister Hummelgaard Interrupts Speech Amid Protests
Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard (S) was challenged during his May 1st speech in Fælledparken in Copenhagen. Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix

Minister Hummelgaard Interrupts Speech Amid Protests

Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard faced disruptions during his May Day speech in Copenhagen’s Fælledparken. Before and during his address, he was met with boos and shouts, especially from a group waving Palestinian flags. Hummelgaard paused his speech to address the protestors, acknowledging their right to their opinions, stressing the need for a ceasefire and a peaceful two-state solution for the Middle East conflict. He emphasized that Jewish people in Denmark should be able to live safely. Hummelgaard was able to complete his speech and remarked that the protest actions could damage the cause of the demonstrators. Politicians from other parties also commented on the event, underlining the importance of respecting democratic dialogue.