Several knife stabbings in Copenhagen sunday night
On the night leading into Sunday, three men were stabbed in separate incidents at two different locations in Copenhagen. Near the Strandgade bike bridge, two men were injured, while a third was stabbed near Nørregade. The victims are 31, 24, and 33 years old, respectively, and all suffered minor injuries. Initially, the possibility of a connection between the incidents was investigated, but Copenhagen Police have since deemed them separate cases. The Strandgade stabbings are believed to be connected, while the one at Nørregade appeared to be related to nightlife disturbances. As of Sunday morning, no arrests had been made, according to Police Watch Commander Henrik Svejstrup. Multiple witnesses have been interviewed, and the suspect in the Strandgade stabbing incident is believed to have worn a blue and white jacket, though no more detailed description was available.