Today’s news / Obama Praises Denmark’s Climate Leadership
Even though Barack Obama was far from accomplishing all the climate initiatives he wanted to as president, the USA has come a long way towards a more sustainable energy production, according to the former president, who visited Næstved on Friday. Photo: Thomas Vilhelm/Free

Obama Praises Denmark’s Climate Leadership

Despite the possibility that global temperature increases may not be limited to 2 degrees as set by the Paris Agreement, former U.S. President Barack Obama urges not to give up on climate action. Speaking in Næstved, Denmark, he highlighted the difference between a 2.2-degree rise and catastrophe-level rises of 3 to 4 degrees. Recognizing Denmark as a climate leader, Obama commended the country for its progress. He spoke about the tremendous task of reinventing energy within decades, which requires global participation. Acknowledging incomplete goals during his presidency, he noted significant U.S. strides in sustainable energy, with coal power dropping from 46% to 12% of electricity production. Obama emphasized the need for the U.S. and Europe to set examples in transitioning to renewable energy to influence nations like China and India, ultimately aiming to save humanity, not just the planet.