Today’s news / Dissent in V party on organ donation plan
Louise Schack Elholm is seen here in a photograph taken during a ministerial handover in 2023. On Thursday, she was among two Liberal Party spokespeople who voted against a resolution proposal from a Liberal minister. (Archive photo). Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix

Dissent in V party on organ donation plan

Louise Schack Elholm and Heidi Bank, legislators from Denmark’s Venstre party, voted against their Health Minister Sophie Løhde’s proposal to change organ donation to an opt-out system. Elholm justified the move, citing the party’s tradition of free voting on ethical issues. The proposal aims to increase organ donations following deaths of 28 individuals awaiting transplants and over 400 on the waiting list. The Danish Council of Ethics recommended maintaining the current opt-in system. Last year, 430 patients received transplants, the highest in five years.