Half of Danes agree on forced two-state solution
The Middle East conflict has become a global problem that necessitates a forced two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians, according to Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. A new Voxmeter survey for Ritzau shows nearly half of Danes support this view, with 45% agreeing, 16.2% disagreeing, and 24.5% neutral. Frederiksen asserts that the only solution for lasting peace is a two-state resolution creating an independent Palestinian state, and the international community should enforce it. However, Danes are skeptical about using military force to achieve this, with 18.9% in favor and 51.1% against it. Frederiksen retracted earlier statements regarding military action and emphasized that no specific action, including military, has been proposed, and Denmark or Danish soldiers are not suggested to play any particular role.