Today’s news / January sales boost Danish retail
If only adjusted for price development, the total sales in stores in January were 5.8 percent higher than in the same month last year. (Archive photo). Photo: Ida Guldbæk Arentsen/Ritzau Scanpix

January sales boost Danish retail

January sales in Danish shops have risen by 0.4% over the previous month, according to Statistics Denmark, indicating that festive spending has not dampened consumer appetite. The figures are seasonally and price adjusted, suggesting a healthy retail sector. Morten Granzau of Dansk Industri notes that consumers are economically optimistic. Sales jumped 5.8% from last January, excluding price adjustments. Jeppe Juul Borre from Arbejdernes Landsbank attributes this to historic wage increases and low inflation, allowing consumers to stretch their money further and bolstering retail. Employment has also reached record highs, surpassing three million, supporting consumer spending. Despite a decline in 2022, the trend for 2024 appears positive, driven by strong employment figures.