Danish Crown butchery closes amid decline in slaughter
The number of pigs slaughtered in Denmark has decreased over recent years. This trend is partially due to sow herds closing after feed prices soared following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, leading to fewer piglets produced in Denmark. More piglets are now exported for slaughter, especially to Germany and Poland, where higher prices are often offered than by Danish Crown in Denmark. As a result, the company has announced the closure of its large Ringsted slaughterhouse, affecting around 1,200 jobs. Danish statistics show that while piglet exports rose from nearly 5 million in 2007 to just under 14 million in 2022, domestic slaughterings decreased from 21.4 million to 17.8 million in the same period. Danish Crown, previously relying on exports, including to China, is now aiming to focus on selling higher-margin products like bacon and pepperoni within Europe after declines in sales post-pandemic and increased Chinese production.