Today’s news / Health Alert After Køge Ship Fire
In pictures from the harbor, you can see thick, gray smoke rising from the ship "Rix Munte". According to the website Vesselfinder, the ship sails under the Portuguese flag. It arrived at Køge Harbor on Tuesday night. Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix

Health Alert After Køge Ship Fire

Following a ship fire in Køge’s port, Denmark’s National Police advised those affected by the smoke to find fresh air and seek medical advice if discomfort persists. Citizens were initially told to stay indoors in areas east of Østre Ringvej, south of Værftsvej, and north of Søndre Kajgade on Tuesday evening. By midnight, warnings were narrowed to only the harbor. The fire on the ship ‘Rix Munte,’ which contained metal and plastic waste, is expected to be out by Wednesday morning. Exposure to the smoke should be minimized, and immediate injuries were reportedly not sustained, according to Harbor Director Thomas Kampmann. Emergency services were first alerted to the ship fire at 15:15 via