Today’s news / COVID vaccines saved millions in Europe
Tyra Grove Krause on status update on covid-19 in 2022. WHO has provided an assessment of how large the life-saving effect of the covid vaccine has been. (Archive photo). Photo: Philip Davali/Ritzau Scanpix

COVID vaccines saved millions in Europe

A study by WHO/Europe reveals that 17,000 Danish lives have been saved by COVID-19 vaccinations, primarily among those over 60. Overall in Europe, vaccinations have reduced death rates by at least 59% from December 2020 to March 2023, saving 1.6 million lives. Statens Serum Institut (SSI) asserts young, healthy individuals should not fear COVID-19 currently or soon. Despite extensive transmission over the summer, healthcare systems weren’t overwhelmed, and mortality rates remained stable. Updated vaccines will be available to the vulnerable and elderly this fall. The WHO’s figures are estimates with some uncertainty due to variations in testing and distinguishing deaths with COVID-19 versus from it. Infection rates are declining and expected to continue, but a new wave could arise in winter with a new variant, says SSI Chief Physician Bolette Søborg.