The Social Democrats want to ban the Russian messaging service Telegram because young people are being harassed and shamed in groups on the service. (Archive photo). Photo: Dado Ruvic/Reuters
Denmark may ban Telegram over harassment
The Danish Social Democratic Party, influenced by an analysis of the messaging service Telegram, proposes its ban, stating harassment particularly targets women of Middle Eastern background in large chat groups. Equality spokesperson, Trine Bramsen, and Mayor of Odense, Peter Rahbæk Juel, call for stricter penalties for illegal sharing of images and videos likely to lead to ‘serious consequences relating to negative social control.’ The party shared evidence with Berlingske, documenting shaming of ethnic Danish and other ethnic youths in a group with over 10,000 members. While preferring EU-level action against Telegram, Bramsen urges an immediate ban in Denmark and acknowledges the need for judicial involvement in such decisions.