The soil remediation company Nordic Waste was declared bankrupt on January 22. The landslide in Randers accelerated in mid-December but is reported to be stable now. (Archive photo). Photo: Bo Amstrup/Ritzau Scanpix
Creditors Demand DKK 179 Million from Nordic Waste
Creditors have claimed DKK 179 million from Nordic Waste’s bankruptcy estate. The first report from the liquidators reveals limited company assets, totaling about DKK 724,000, including sold livestock and vehicles. Randers Municipality has registered a roughly DKK 100 million claim for landslide mitigation costs from December 19 to January 22, after Nordic Waste left the site on December 19 and before declaring bankruptcy on January 22. The municipality initially claimed DKK 83 million plus VAT during the January bankruptcy proceedings. The actual claims may increase as further containment costs accrue. The total claims are not finalized as creditors continue to register them.