Environmental Firm Nordic Waste Goes Bankrupt
The environmental company Nordic Waste has been declared bankrupt by the Randers District Court, as reported by TV2 Fyn and Finans. Nordic Waste, which processed contaminated soil in Ølst near Randers, filed for bankruptcy themselves after last week’s order from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency to provide security for over 200 million kroner to prevent an environmental disaster. A landslide on the property threatens to pollute Alling Å and possibly Randers Fjord. Creditors include Randers Municipality with claims of 100 million kroner, the Danish Debt Collection Agency owed 1.5 million, and the Danish Environmental Protection Agency expects outstanding funds following the order. Companies DSH Recycling and DSH Environment also claim unpaid dues. DSH Recycling, which leased the property to Nordic Waste, has made claims for damages over 70 million kroner related to the landslide.