Today’s news / 300,000 employees to receive pending holiday pay

300,000 employees to receive pending holiday pay

Approximately 300,000 employees in Denmark will automatically receive a total of 275 million DKK of unclaimed holiday money for the 2023/2024 holiday year, according to ATP, the organization managing holiday funds. Most payments were made in early January, while the remaining will be processed through employers’ next payroll. The payouts, which span hourly workers and former salaried staff entitled to paid leave, stem from a 2023 change in the holiday law, allowing sums under 5,000 DKK pre-tax to be disbursed automatically. ATP’s Concierge Director, Anne Kristine Axelsson, acknowledges that while taking a holiday break is important, this mechanism benefits those who fail to claim their holiday money within the deadline, potentially easing financial strains and facilitating deserved breaks.