Today’s news / Randers reports waste firm for environmental breach
Municipal Director of Randers Municipality Jesper Kaas Schmidt cannot elaborate further on the police report of Nordic Waste, which involves violations of the Environmental Protection Act. (Archive photo). Photo: Bo Amstrup/Ritzau Scanpix

Randers reports waste firm for environmental breach

Randers Municipality has filed another police report against Nordic Waste for violating environmental protection laws, following an incident involving a harmful landslide. The municipal director, Jesper Kaas Schmidt, did not disclose specifics due to confidentiality. The case has been ongoing since the landslide was made public last December, with authorities striving to contain the damage and prevent pollution. Nordic Waste passed the cleanup responsibilities to the municipality, with costs possibly reaching DKK 663 million. Legal responsibility and expenses remain contested. Meanwhile, the curator of the Nordic Waste bankruptcy estate is investigating potential claims against the former management and owners, examining thousands of documents and the millions in dividends extracted by founders.