Today’s news / Foreign workers contribute over 10% to GDP in 2023

Foreign workers contribute over 10% to GDP in 2023

In 2023, foreign labor accounted for 11.6% of Denmark’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), contributing 322 billion DKK, the highest ever recorded, according to Danish Chamber of Commerce and Statistics Denmark. 15% of full-time employees, or 318,000 workers, were from abroad, emphasizing the indispensability of foreign labor for the Danish economy. The call for foreign workers is heightened by demographic challenges, proposing partnerships with countries that can contribute to the Danish society. The demand is for a diverse skill set, from engineers to IT professionals to service staff. Moreover, almost 9 out of 10 new employees in the past year were foreigners, with a net increase of 19,811 foreign workers, composing 87% of the workforce growth, as Danish hands are no longer available.