EU Aids Workers After Danish Crown Plant Closure
The European Commission has granted approximately 23 million DKK to help the former employees of the Danish Crown slaughterhouse in Sæby re-enter the workforce. Around 390 of these employees were still unemployed at the time of application in the autumn of 2023. Minister Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen welcomed the additional funds, recognizing the ongoing need for support. The slaughterhouse was closed last April, resulting in roughly 800 layoffs. Initially, Frederikshavn Municipality received 7.9 million DKK from an early warning fund to aid the displaced workers, subsequently seeking EU support. The closure decision was prompted by a more than 10% drop in Denmark’s pig slaughtering numbers, causing the company to have excess capacity. Per Laursen, the production director of Danish Crown, expressed regret over losing many skilled and loyal workers due to the decline in slaughtering.