Today’s news / Bikers at the port of Aarhus worry Maersk boss
The mayor of Aarhus has asked for a statement from Aarhus Port following reports in two media outlets that bikers from the Hells Angels have caused problems at the port. Photo: Henning Bagger/Ritzau Scanpix

Bikers at the port of Aarhus worry Maersk boss

Some workers at the port of Aarhus are affiliated to the Hells Angels biker gang, the head of APM Terminals tells Berlingske og The situation is so serious that the company has found it necessary to contact the authorities, says Keith Svendsen, CEO of APM Terminals. He confirms that these are people connected to the Hells Angels. Mayor of Aarhus Municipality Jacob Bundsgaard, who is also chairman of the port’s Board, said in a statement to Ritzau that he had asked the port for a statement. Of the approximately 400 permanent and casual employees at APM Terminals, approximately 30 are related to the Hells Angels, Berlingske writes. /ritzau/