Today’s news / TV 2 News chief regrets inaccurate poll

TV 2 News chief regrets inaccurate poll

Jacob Kwon, the news chief of TV 2 Nyhederne, expressed regret over an inaccurate exit poll conducted by Megafon reports TV 2. He acknowledged the imprecision, especially concerning the results for Socialdemokratiet and Venstre. The original exit poll predicted Socialdemokratiet and Venstre at 18% and 11.6%, respectively, but three hours later, the forecast changed to 15.6% and 14.7%. Liberal Alliance was also overestimated at 9.7%, later corrected to 7%. Asger Nielsen, director of Megafon, admitted the potential for improvement but noted the results were within the 3% margin of error. TV 2 plans to undertake a thorough evaluation with Megafon to review the process.