Jørgen Ejbøl steps down from JP Foundation
Jørgen Ejbøl resigns with immediate effect as chairman of the Jyllands-Posten Foundation, amidst a period of press turmoil. His departure follows recent contentions over a 2.1 million kroner severance payment, which he returned after legal advice. The remuneration issues, coming during rounds of layoffs and economizing, provoked a critical letter from JP/Politikens Hus employees. The Danish Business Authority has demanded explanations for the foundation’s pay structures and management. Lars Munch, who replaced Peter Bartram as chairman of JP/Politikens Hus, initially received a higher annual honorarium than his predecessor, but requested to adjust it to the same level. Ejbøl’s exit is deemed necessary and best for the future of Jyllands-Posten, backed by the board and noted by chief editor Marchen Neel Gjertsen.