Today’s news / Significant boost to regional health budget
Finance Minister Nicolai Wammen (S) can present a new agreement for the regional economy on Saturday. Photo: Thomas Sjørup/Ritzau Scanpix

Significant boost to regional health budget

A financial agreement will increase the health budget for Danish regions by 2.1 billion DKK in 2025, as announced by Finance Minister Nicolai Wammen. Described as ‘a historic lift,’ the agreement significantly enhances last year’s numbers, with 111 million DKK allocated for expanding cancer treatment capacity in response to long wait times. An additional 600 million DKK in 2024 will address pressures from rising medication costs, after regions overspent by 1.4 billion DKK on subsidized medicine in 2023, exceeding the budget by 1.1 billion DKK. Overall, 7.35 billion DKK are projected for regional infrastructure expenses in 2025, while regional administration costs are expected to be reduced by 104 million DKK. The deal, which follows an agreement on municipal finance, was praised by Anders Kühnau, the chairman of Danske Regioner, and arises amidst an increase in the financial room for maneuver by 11.25 billion DKK through 2030.