Farmers ready to protest climate report
Danish farmers are threatening to protest with tractor demonstrations in the capital and other places if pushed further by environmental demands and the proposed CO2 tax on agriculture. Agriculture accounts for about 20% of Denmark’s CO2 emissions. The Svarer Committee, set up by the government, will soon present its recommendations on a CO2 tax for the sector. The chairman of the Sustainable Agriculture, Peter Kiær, opposes any taxes on biological processes from livestock, cautioning that farmers may have reached their limit. Meanwhile, another influential group, the Agerskov Group, expresses deep concern and readiness to protest if the proposals are unacceptable. While Bæredygtigt Landbrug might join the Agerskov Group’s potential demonstrations, the chairman of Agriculture & Food, Søren Søndergaard, calls for calm and negotiation for sustainable green solutions while maintaining and developing strong food production in Denmark.