Today’s news / Denmark – FIFA

Denmark – FIFA

Denmark’s Minister for Culture Jakob Engel-Schmidt also criticised the International Football Federation (FIFA) and called the prospect of a World Cup in 2034 in Saudi Arabia “completely hopeless”, he told the online media “It is certainly not a dream scenario, and I think it is completely hopeless of FIFA that after the World Cup in Qatar they repeat a process where secrecy and undemocratic feints are allowed to fill,” says Jakob Engel-Schmidt and adds: “It is also sad for the players who will participate in the World Cup, because now the process will be similar to the one leading up to the World Cup in Qatar,  and we cannot be sure that the World Cup will be held in a country that respects basic rights, the rights of minorities and upholds freedom of the press and expression. In particular, the process of awarding the hosting rights for the 2034 tournament has been criticised. /ritzau/