Today’s news / EU chief praises Danish PM amidst job rumors
Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen received a visit from Ursula von der Leyen in Copenhagen in late summer. The two have a very good cooperation. Photo: Henning Bagger/Ritzau Scanpix

EU chief praises Danish PM amidst job rumors

At a signing ceremony in the Faroe Islands, journalist probed EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen regarding Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen’s future amidst rumors of her potential candidacy for a top EU Council post. Von der Leyen did not speculate, but instead expressed deep admiration for Frederiksen’s excellent work and the success of their close collaboration. Frederiksen clarified she’s not pursuing international top positions in the EU or NATO. Von der Leyen, who seeks another term as Commission President, highlighted their solid partnership in resolving issues and advancing progress for Denmark and Europe. However, the appointment of the EU President, officially the Council President, is not within von der Leyen’s purview, but her endorsement carries weight.