Today’s news / The Moderates youth leader: Søe opposed stricter code
Member of Parliament Jeppe Søe (M) allegedly tried to downplay a proposal for a code of conduct in the party, according to the political leader of the Young Moderates. He rejects this as spin. (Archive photo). Photo: Thomas Traasdahl/Ritzau Scanpix

The Moderates youth leader: Søe opposed stricter code

In the creation of the new Moderates party in 2021, MP Jeppe Søe was against a proposed code of conduct, finding it overly restrictive, leading to a more lenient version, says Ellen Emilie Mindegaard-Müllertz of the Moderates’ main board. An internal report by current and former employees to the Labor Inspectorate details bullying and sexism within the party. Søe acknowledged these challenges and called for an in-depth, independent investigation, contrasting the decision for psychological consultancy. Amidst criticism, Søe denies being at fault for the shortened code and states he has extensive communication records, which he won’t use negatively against the party.