Lowest loan offers in 28 years due to dull interest
In 2024, Danish mortgage institutions offered the fewest number of loans in at least 28 years, according to figures from Finance Denmark released Wednesday morning. Chief analyst Sune Malthe-Thagaard of Totalkredit attributes this decline to low interest in restructuring loans. There are typically more loan offers during major conversion waves, which require significant fluctuations in interest rates. December saw 13,048 loan offers, summing up to 157,625 for the entire year, about 10 percent less compared to the previous year. Though interest rates slowly declined in 2024, prompting a rise in the value of four percent mortgage bonds, lack of substantial interest at five percent did not incentivize enough homeowners to refinance. Malthe-Thagaard expects an increase in loan offers in 2025 as more homeowners will likely opt for loan down-conversion.