Today’s news / FLSmidth sale to impact Danish jobs
FLSmidth is headquartered in Valby. (Archive photo). Photo: Ida Marie Odgaard/Ritzau Scanpix

FLSmidth sale to impact Danish jobs

FLSmidth, an industrial conglomerate based in Valby, is planning to sell its cement business, which will result in a leaner presence at its headquarters. Jannick Lindegaard Denholt, head of investor relations and communications, discussed this with Finans. The company is actively searching for a buyer for the cement division since shortly after the New Year. If a buyer is found, the employees in the cement division will be facing job losses. Denholt estimates that only about half of the 600-700 Valby employees work in mining or administrative functions. The reduction in staff has already started, with 2,000 global positions cut from the formerly 10,000-strong workforce. FLSmidth is downsizing to focus on strategy for 2026. Historically, cement formed a significant portion of FLSmidth’s revenue, but its share and profitability have been shrinking compared to the mining division. The company expects to have updates on potential buyers for its cement business by the end of the year.