Today’s news / EU


The European Parliament wants all city buses to be CO2 neutral by 2030. From 2040, new trucks will have to emit 90 percent less CO2 overall. Parliament has just voted through a proposal to set new standards for heavy-duty vehicles such as lorries and buses. Bergur Løkke Rasmussen of the Moderate Party calls it a good day for the climate, truck manufacturers and hauliers. “There is clarity about what the future of heavy road transport in Europe is,” he says. According to a press release from the Red Greens, it will save more than 1.8 billion tons of CO2 from being emitted by 2050. This corresponds to 40 times Denmark’s annual CO2 emissions.
     MEP Nikolaj Villumsen is optimistic. “This will push the accelerator pedal on the transition for heavy transport. Today, electric trucks, electric buses and electric garbage trucks are already on the roads in Europe, and with today’s result, we are one step closer to getting even more,” he says. The Council for Green Transition is pleased that the screw is being tightened in relation to phasing out fossil trucks and buses, but the vote for all biofuels and so-called e-fuels to count as CO2 neutral, including palm oil, is thought to be crazy. /ritzau/