Today’s news / EU summit – Mideast

EU summit – Mideast

The EU wants an international peace conference to be held ‘soon’ to find a solution to the situation in the Middle East, the EU heads of state and government concluded at a summit in Brussels on Thursday. “The EU stands ready to help revive a political process based on a two-state solution (…) and welcomes diplomatic peace and security initiatives and supports the holding of an international peace conference soon,” the summit conclusions said.
     EU leaders have previously stated that they want a two-state solution to build lasting peace. A two-state solution would mean that Israelis and Palestinians would have separate states and would thus be able to live in peace side by side. The United States, too, has backed a two-state solution. According to President Biden, it is not possible for Israel and the Palestinians to return to the status quo before Hamas attacked Israel. The problem with a two-state solution, however, is that there is deep disagreement between Israel and the Palestinians over where the line between the two states should go. Therefore, several previous attempts to agree on a two-state solution have been unsuccessful. /ritzau/