Govt. to spend 32 billion for welfare in 2030 plan
After the government on Monday launched tax cuts worth DKK 6.75 billion, Social Democratic Finance Minister Nicolai Wammen will on Tuesday present investments in welfare worth DKK 32 billion. This is stated by the Finance Minister in a written quote to Ritzau. “We are giving an economic boost to welfare of an extra DKK 32 billion. We target this boost among other things for the elderly, children, health, education and security.” The billions are announced in the government’s 2030 plan, which is a status and projection of the economy in the coming years.
The Social Democrats, the Liberals and the Moderates’ 2030 plan is presented, just over a year after the Social Democrat government presented a similar plan in September 2022. At that time, the room for manoeuvre was considerably smaller, namely DKK 48 billion. Since the SVM government took office in December, the room for manoeuvre has been revised upwards to first 64 billion in May 2023 and further to 68 billion in August in connection with the draft budget for 2024. This was done with reference to higher structural employment and a reform of graduate education.
The majority of the DKK 32 billion will be used to cover the expected costs associated with an increase in the number of elderly people and children towards 2030. “We will cover the demographic trait when, fortunately, there will be around 100,000 more elderly people over the age of 70 and more children by 2030. We are allocating DKK 19 billion to this,” says Wammen. After that, DKK 13 billion remains for a boost of “other parts of our welfare”. /ritzau/