NB party to be dissolved
The right-wing NB party is a thing of the past, the party’s founder Pernille Vermund announced on Facebook Wednesday that she has recommended to the party’s executive committee that the party be dissolved. According to Vermund, the recommendation will be followed. Thus, the chaos continues around the NB Party, who after the 2022 election have delivered one crisis after another. “When we founded New Bourgeois eight years ago, there were four nonsocialist parties. Today there are seven. And with two active seats in the NB parliamentary group, we risk not only working ourselves into the ground, but also being the ones who obstruct a non-socialist majority and thus a nonsocialist prime minister. We cannot defend this,” Vermund wrote on Facebook. Nye Bourgeois was elected with six seats in the election on November 1 2022, but is now down to only three seats. /ritzau/