Today’s news / Norway – Gaza tip line

Norway – Gaza tip line

Kripos, a special investigation unit of the Norwegian police, has set up a tip line and is asking Norwegians who have been to Gaza to report war crimes, according to the Norwegian newspaper Klassekampen. “When it comes to Gaza, we want to reach the evacuated Norwegian citizens who have experienced or witnessed specific incidents,” said Tone Lille Solstad, head of the international crimes section at Kripos. Upon arrival in Norway, all evacuees have been given information that they can tell about their experiences to the tip line. “Based on the information provided by the evacuees, it will be a concrete assessment whether there should be further follow-up,” Solstad told the newspaper. So far, Kripos has not received any information that has triggered specific investigative steps. On Monday, a Norwegian plane carrying 114 Norwegian citizens and people with close ties to Norway who had been evacuated from Gaza landed at Gardermoen Airport in Oslo. On Saturday, a plane carrying 80 Norwegian citizens evacuated from Gaza also landed in Oslo. /ritzau/NTB