Ritzau Ekstra: Cases against Finsen and Hjort Frederiksen dropped
The prosecution service has decided that neither the trial of the relieved Defence Intelligence Service (FE) Chief Lars Findsen, the former Liberal Minister Claus Hjort Frederiksen, nor a 63-year-old former employee of the Danish Security and Intelligence Service PET can go ahead, according to a press release from the prosecutor’s office Wednesday. “The Danish Defence Intelligence Service (FE) assesses that, for reasons of national security, it is no longer reassuring to make highly classified information available for the criminal proceedings against Lars Findsen and Claus Hjort Frederiksen,” the communication reads. According to the prosecution, the assessment is based on the fact that the Supreme Court has decided that none of the three cases will be conducted entirely behind closed doors. According to State Attorney Jakob Berger Nielsen, the Prosecution Service is not in a position to meet the burden of proof in the cases if the confidential information cannot be disclosed. /ritzau/