Today’s news / Search zones established in Christiania

Search zones established in Christiania

Copenhagen Police are establishing two search zones, which include Christiania, against the backdrop of a conflict in the gang and biker communities, the police said in a press release. The visitation zones applied from Monday at 6 pm and are provisionally valid until September 12 at 6 p.m. One zone covers Christiania and parts of Amager. The second zone covers an area of Nørrebro and Nordvest in Copenhagen. The zones have been established in the wake of a shooting in Christiania on Saturday night that claimed the life of a 30-year-old man.
     “The incident out in Christiania is something that we as police and society cannot and should not accept,” said Chief Superintendent  Søren Thomassen of the Copenhagen Police at a press conference on Monday afternoon. Police said in a statement that they consider the shooting to be the latest incident in the conflict. /ritzau/