State self-payment scheme for covid vaccines closes
In future, citizens outside the Danish Health Authority’s target groups for covid-19 vaccination can buy a vaccine on the private market, according to the Ministry of the Interior and Health. Since 15 November 2022, it has been possible to purchase a covid vaccine for citizens who were outside the target group of the public vaccination programme through the so-called self-payment scheme. This scheme is closing now because covid vaccines are being sold on the private market under normal market conditions.
Private vaccinators can pre-order the latest variant-updated corona vaccines through Statens Serum Institut (SSI). The vaccines will be available in pharmacies and private vaccination clinics. The vaccine offered by these places will be a variant-updated vaccine. From 1 October 2023 to and including 15 January 2024, citizens over 65 and groups under 65 years of age with certain diseases and conditions can receive free seasonal vaccination against corona and influenza. /ritzau/