Serbia is reportedly moving forces away from its border with Kosovo, according to the White House Tuesday. Thus, there are signs that a heated conflict between Serbia and Kosovo may be de-escalating. “We can see that they’re starting to move forces away, and that’s a good thing,” U.S. National Security Council Chairman John Kirby said. Kirby on Friday called on Serbia’s forces to withdraw. “We are keeping an eye on a large Serbian deployment along the border with Kosovo,” he said. Relations between Serbia and Kosovo are generally extremely tense. Last weekend, however, the conflict escalated and a Kosovo police officer and three armed Serbs were killed in clashes.
Kosovo is a former Serbian province in Yugoslavia. In the north of Kosovo, predominantly Serbs live, while Kosovar Albanians make up the majority in other parts of the country. More than 100 countries – including Denmark – have recognised independent Kosovo. However, Serbia still considers the area to be a Serbian province. /ritzau/AFP