Today’s news / Denmark issues first million property assessments
All homeowners were supposed to receive their 2020 property assessments before New Year's. (Archive photo). Photo: Tobias Kobborg/Ritzau Scanpix

Denmark issues first million property assessments

The Danish Valuation Agency has distributed over one million property valuations for 2020, more than halfway through the 1.7 million total. Director Anne-Sofie Jensen is enthusiastic about the progress and assures that efforts are ongoing for the remaining assessments. Property owners have received 1.3 million declaration notices, which outline the basis of valuations and offer a chance to report errors before finalization. Only 0.3% have filed complaints about their final valuations—a satisfactory rate. The agency is on track to send out all 2020 valuations before the new year. With a new IT system, processes are becoming more efficient as experience grows, keeping them on pace to meet their deadline. Successful completion of these valuations will help owners determine if their tax payments from 2011 to 2020 were accurate. Future tasks include the 2021 reassessments and the final valuations for 2022, to be issued the following year.