Ritzaus Bureau’s Privacy Policy

General information about personal data

Personal data is any kind of information that can be attributed to you to some extent. When you use our websites, we collect and process a number of such information. This happens, for example, by normal access to content, if you sign up for our newsletter, register as a user or subscriber, or by other use of Ritzaus services.

Categories of personal data and their origin

When you visit our website, we typically collect and process the following types of information: a unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet or mobile phone, your IP number, and which of our web pages you click on. When you use our services via login, we typically process the following information: name, email, address, position, company, phone number and history on our sites.

Purpose and legal basis for the processing of your personal data

We process your personal data to carry out the service for which the information was collected. The information is also used to improve your user experience and optimize our services and content. This use may include surveys and analyses aimed at improving our products, services, and technologies, as well as displaying content tailored to your interests.

You are not obliged to provide us with the information. The consequences of not providing us with the information will be that you will not be able to use our services. The legal basis for our processing of your personal data is set out in Article 6(1) of the Data Protection Regulation, letters (a) (consent), (b) (contract performance), and (f) (balancing of interests).

You have the right to withdraw your consent. However, if you withdraw your consent, the revocation will not affect the processing prior to the withdrawal of consent. The legitimate interests pursued with certain parts of the processing according to Article 6(1)(f) of the Data Protection Regulation concern our collection and processing of cookies for the purpose of evaluating, analyzing and administering our websites.

Disclosure of your personal data

The information will not be disclosed to third parties unless you, as a journalist, have given separate consent for us to register you in our journalist database for press communication purposes.

Storage of your personal data

We keep your information as long as you are a user of Ritzaus Bureau. If you or your company choose to terminate your subscription, we will delete your profile no later than 6 months after deactivating your profile. We keep your information for six months so that we can quickly reopen your account if you need it. If you have chosen not to approve our cookie and privacy policy on our sites, we will save this information in a cookie on your device for 12 months. If you have declined to be included in Ritzaus journalist database, we will save your email, workplace, and your choice without expiration so as not to disturb you again with the possibility of inclusion in the database.

Storage time and deletion policy

We keep information about you as long as we have a legitimate and reasonable basis for doing so, including so that we can serve you and your business as best as possible. As a general rule, all personal data will be deleted after 5 years after the end of a customer relationship, meaning the last active transaction.

Protection of your personal data

We store your personal information securely and confidentially. We store your personal information on computers with limited access, located in controlled facilities, and our security measures are continuously reviewed to determine whether our user information is being handled properly and with due regard to your rights as a user.

However, we cannot guarantee 100 percent security for data transfers over the Internet. This means that there is a risk that unauthorized parties may gain access to information when data is transmitted and stored electronically. Please be aware that you provide your personal information at your own risk.

Changes in the processing of personal information

The rapid development of the internet means that changes in our processing of personal information may become necessary, and therefore we reserve the right to update and change these guidelines for the processing of personal information. If we do so, we will of course update the “last updated” date at the bottom of this page, and in the case of significant changes, we will notify you through a visible message on our websites.

Your rights

If you want access to the information that is recorded about you by Ritzau, you should contact kundeservice@ritzau.dk. If incorrect data is recorded or if you have other objections, you can also contact the same place. You have the opportunity to obtain insight into which information is recorded about you.